Author : Hasan Ahmad

how to make a start button in scratch there are just 5 steps to make a Start button in scratch you might think it is hard but it is very easy

Start by make a new sprite and make it as big as this . Then put a big on the top title

•After that make new sprite and type star on it

Then get a when flag click and go to front layer block you can found that look . And last of all show block

After that get a forever loop , if block mouse down and hide block . Then get a
broadcast block you can found that events.

•Then go to spirit 1 and get a when flag click and go to front layer block. And last of all show
block . After you do that get a when I received boock you that in events . Then just get a hide bolck

Get a “forever block” and get a “flag click and cage verble also get set block and change
block put set block on top and change block at the bottom but before you put change bock put a wite1 second block on top